Latest Job Openings India
Customer Support Engineer
ยท Communicate clearly andprecisely with customers in written and verbal form, and maintain accurate andtimely records in our case tracking system
ยท Maintain ownership oftasks given and should drive other teams as needed
ยท Accountable for thetasks and ensure that it completed diligently
ยท Analysing/documentingproblems, recommending solutions, & highlighting issues to leadership team
ยท Enthusiastic to work inchallenging environment
ยท Organize ideas andcommunicate oral messages appropriate to listeners and situations
ยท Adhere to process andpolicies, should demonstrate CSS Corp values
ยท Team player and shouldact as a role model to the team
ยท Should be sharing theDaily reports before logout
ยท Problem-solving skillsand ability to navigate challenging situations in a professional manner.
ยท Experience providingdirect support to external customers by phone, electronically.
ยท Understand on Storagecomponents and infrastructure
ยท Excellentorganizational skills โability to prioritize, manage, multi-task, and executeprojects cross-functionally.
ยท College Degree โPreferred should have basic knowledge on storage
ยท Should have worked inan Enterprise environment
ยท Able to applynon-linear thinking to problem-solving.
ยท Ability to callcustomers and resolve issues
ยท Should be adhering tothe built in SOPS
ยท Should ensure that thecases and emails are handled within the shift duration without backlog
Additional Skills:
ยท Meetindividual case management Service Level and metrics
ยท Maintain ownership ofcases and ensure to follow the process of routings
ยท Typing speed minimum -40wpm
ยท DesiredSkills:
ยท Familiarity withHitachi Vantara products or other storage platforms