Infrastructure Outsourcing Services

Define infrastructure outsourcing services

Infrastructure outsourcing refers to contracting a third-party service provider to manage and upkeep an organization’s IT infrastructure. This includes a range of services, like equipment, security, and support, along with server, network, and data center management.

Challenges of adopting Infrastructure outsourcing services

Infrastructure outsourcing shows potential, but it demands thoughtful planning due to its complexities. Some of the key obstacles to note include:

  • Loss of control: Entrusting critical systems to a third party necessitates clear communication and defined roles to maintain visibility and decision-making power.
  • Communication barriers: Time zone differences, cultural nuances, and technical jargon can create misunderstandings. 
  • Security concerns: Data breaches and unauthorized access are ever-present risks.
  • Vendor lock-in: Switching providers can be difficult due to proprietary systems and complex data migration. 
  • Hidden costs: Unforeseen charges, contract complexities, and change orders can inflate expenses. 
  • Performance management: Monitoring service delivery, adherence to service-level agreements (SLAs), and alignment with business goals demands diligence and proactive communication which can be challenging.

Infrastructure outsourcing requires careful planning, screening, and communication to overcome challenges and accomplish the desired business outcomes.

Why and where are infrastructure outsourcing services needed?

Initially offering remote monitoring and assistance, managed service providers (MSPs) emerged in the 1980s. Data centers and cloud computing contributed to the expansion of infrastructure outsourcing as technology evolved. Companies pioneered managed services, easing IT infrastructure burdens. This provided expertise, cost-efficiency, and resource allocation for core functions. Today, infrastructure outsourcing covers server management, security solutions, and cloud migration. Cost reduction, skill access, enhanced security, and innovation acceleration remain key.

Healthcare, finance, and retail sectors, with intricate IT demands and sensitive data, find outsourcing advantageous. Healthcare ensures secure data storage and regulatory adherence. Finance achieves agility and cost efficiency through scalable cloud solutions. Retail benefits from continuous monitoring for seamless online operations. Outsourcing allows these industries to concentrate on core strengths while maintaining dependable and secure IT infrastructure.

The future of infrastructure outsourcing services

Infrastructure outsourcing services are paving the way for a future of efficient and optimized IT management. AI and ML will automate tasks like server patching, configuration management, and security. Gartner anticipates 80% of IT infrastructure management tasks automated by 2025. As IoT devices surge, cloud-based edge computing will handle data processing at the source, enhancing efficiency. By 2026, Forrester predicts 75% of enterprise applications in the cloud, boosting outsourcing. IDC forecasts a $1.1 trillion IoT market by 2025, driven by infrastructure management needs. 


Navigating today’s digital realm, handling IT infrastructure proves complex and resource-demanding. Outsourcing offers a compelling solution, unlocking myriad benefits for businesses.

  • Cost savings: Eliminate upfront hardware and software investments, leading to lower total costs.
  • Specialized skills: Gain access to a wider range of expertise without hiring and training in-house staff.
  • Scalability: Easily adjust resource levels based on changing needs, avoiding disruptions during growth or decline.
  • Disaster recovery and backup: Ensure business continuity with best-in-class security, data protection, and disaster recovery solutions.
  • Enhanced availability and reduced risk: Partner with reputable providers to minimize downtime and mitigate risks such as security breaches and non-compliance.
  • Automation capabilities: Utilize automated tools and processes to streamline incident management and alert monitoring.
  • ROI: Accelerate the growth of a business by freeing up the time and internal resources that allow it to focus solely on its core competencies.

These advantages may be accessed by selecting a trustworthy outsourcing partner, turning your IT infrastructure into a valuable asset for your company.

Business Outcomes

Infrastructure outsourcing delivers cost savings by cutting hardware and software expenses, boosts operational efficiency with specialized skills, ensures scalability for varying demands, and allows focus on core business areas by delegating non-core tasks to skilled third-party providers.

Ditch IT roadblocks and boost your business! Partner with an expert infrastructure outsourcer. Access expertise, optimize costs, and unlock agility. Schedule your success consultation today!